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In the same week that Planned Parenthood began offering abortions within 30 minutes of our clinic in a neighboring state, we received a letter from a former client who was celebrating her daughter’s 25th birthday. She wrote these words:

“26 years ago, I walked through your doors as a patient. Just 17 at the time, scared and not knowing where else to turn, a pregnancy test confirmed what I already suspected – I was pregnant. The counselor that I met with was extremely kind, non-judgmental, and trustworthy with my secret. My dad was a pastor, and I was still in high school…”

She shared that being a parent has not always been easy, but she has found that God meets us in our weaknesses. She married the father of that little baby girl and they now have two other children. She has her master’s in education and has taught and molded little minds for over 14 years in our community. Her letter continued with these words:

“I don’t claim to understand the diverse circumstances that women might find themselves in and I certainly don’t have all the answers. All I can give is my story – one of redemption and hope. Thank you, LifeChoices.

For 35 years, LifeChoices has been serving young families who need a whisper of hope and empowering truth to choose life. Countless stories testify to the faithful voices of those in our community like you who choose to vote, pray, and generously give so that students and patients are given a safe space to process the options of hope that we have in a world that is turned upside down in chaos.

For our friends in Missouri, we want to make you aware of a constitutional amendment that will be on our ballots in November. While the work of LifeChoices will continue no matter potential changes in legislation, we are encouraging our community to research and spread awareness about the possible outcomes if Amendment 3 should pass.

Thank you for being part of a community that is pro-love, pro-people and pro-abundant-life!