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When the hustle and bustle of the holidays settles, there can be a quiet moment to reflect with gratitude and count God’s incredible blessings as the year closes. At LifeChoices, we often must make a conscious effort to pause and reflect, as the pace of our ministry is typically anything but calm and contemplative.

It’s been said that “Saying thank you is more than good manners, it is good spirituality.” As this new year arrives, the LifeChoices team is hyper-focused on keeping up with classroom scheduling requests, clinic capacity needs, and requests to provide survivors of human trafficking with options of hope. But today, we want to make it a priority to pause and reflect – taking a moment to say, “Thank you!”

We recently received the following comment from a client who was served in our medical clinic just days before Christmas:

I couldn’t recommend this place more! Such a cozy atmosphere with amazing nurses and providers. They make you feel very seen and heard. It was all around just an amazing experience!

Your generosity fuels our team as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. We recognize that these opportunities are only possible because of YOU!

We are in awe of the opportunities before us this year to draw a lost world to the warmth of our Savior’s light. We pray that you will know your act of generosity makes a world of difference to a student needing guidance, a pregnant couple needing empowering truth, or a survivor of exploitation who needs compassionate care.

You provide a way for hope to be whispered in the hearts of hundreds of individuals each and every month.

Thank you!